Please be aware that a delay in a response to email can be common. If you have spam blocking on your email, please allow all replies from any voicedoctor.net address; the response might not come from the same address to which you sent it.
A response to any enquiry by email is limited by the legal parameters of the doctor-patient relationship. This relationship cannot be entered into over the Internet or by email and is prohibited by many state laws. Additionally, it is impossible to provide a diagnosis without hearing your voice. Please be aware that while we welcome comments and enquiries, the response may be rather impersonal and non-specific due to these limitations. Nonetheless, please feel free to contact Dr. Thomas with any questions. He is happy to address your inquiry and provide whatever insights he can within appropriate legal parameters. If you need more specific advice, please consider making an appointment. Otherwise, please use the information on this site as educational material for you and your physician, who may use the information in concert with their own knowledge. Your physician may also contact Dr. Thomas; it is legal for him to review any information a physician provides.
Additionally, please feel free to contact our office if you are an attorney or other person seeking an expert medical opinion about a case.