One method for a complete examination of the voice consists of three parts.
- History
- Vocal capabilities
- Endoscopic examination
The history is the story that you tell the examiner.
Vocal Capabilities
Since your problem is with the voice or larynx, the examiner can listen to or record your voice and assess where there are problems by asking you to change the pitch and volume of your voice. This may involve just listening or there are various types of recording devices which can measure very types of vocal parameters.
Endoscopic examination
Since the vocal cords are around a bend in the back of the throat, they cannot be seen directly by looking in the mouth. Consequently, some type of device is necessary such as a mirror or an endoscope, to get around the back of the tongue. A mirror or rigid endoscope is placed in the mouth. A flexible endoscope is passed through the nose, with some anesthetic, to visualize the vocal cords.