This information is for patients considering a surgery on their vocal cords or voice box to alter their pitch. The first three surgeries are primarily designed for transgender male-to-female patients to raise the pitch; genetic males with vocal pitch and vocal resonance that are often too low to be perceived as a female.
Feminization laryngoplasty
- an outpatient operating room procedure to shorten the length of the vocal cords and the size of the thyroid cartilage in a transgender patient to obtain a more feminine voice. This procedure raises pitch.
- it has the potential to raise the pitch further than the cricothyroid approximation, but has a greater risk of needing a revision.
- it does alter resonance to a small degree.
- a thyrohyoid approximation can be performed at the same time to affect resonance.
Laser tuning
- a person's comfortable speaking pitch - male or female - can be raised a few semi-tones
- this procedure can be done in the office
- a more aggressive variation on the procedure can be done in the operating room.
- It can also be used to raise the pitch of a person with smoker's polyps.
Thyrohyoid elevation
- removes the upper portion of the thyroid cartilage and raises the larynx in the neck.
Web glottoplasty
- removes the upper portion of the thyroid cartilage and raises the larynx in the neck.
- Technique to suture the front of the vocal cords together to try and raise the comfortable speaking pitch
Cricothyroid approximation (CTA)
- an operating room procedure to pull two cartilages closer together to mimic the cricothyroid muscle action of raising the pitch.
- when done on one side it is usually to replace the action of a paralyzed muscle.
- when done on both sides it may be used for feminization of the male voice to raise the lowest pitch you can produce.
Reduction laryngoplasty
- an operating room procedure to reduce the profile of the Adam’s apple. This procedure does not alter the pitch but often accompanies the cricothyroid approximation procedure.
- It is also known as a "Tracheal Shave" or "Trach Shave", though it is a procedure on the larynx (voice box) which connects to the top of the trachea (windpipe).
- removes smoker's polyps, usually a disorder of female talkative cigarette smokers.
Pitch-lowering surgery
- a segment of cartilage can be removed from the voice box to loosen the vocal folds and lower the pitch, and sometimes the thickness of the vocal cord can be augmented.
Consent forms
- The legal part that you sign when you are ready and understand the risks.