Male or female:
Type of surgery:
Feminization laryngoplasty with thyrohyoid elevation
Laser cord reduction
Prior voice surgery:
Cricothyroid approximation
Trach shave:
Trach shave with no complications
Year of surgery:
Follow up (in months):
She had a cricothyroid approximation about 10 years before her first visit which helped for awhile and then her voice faded in pitch and quality. She then had a thyrohyoid elevation which did not change her pitch. 10 years after the thyrohyoid elevation she had a limited feminization laryngoplasty. About 18 months later she had a microlaryngeal laser debulking procedure. Her initial voice recording is after the cricothyroid approximation since that is when I met her and her most current recording is two months after her laser procedure, approximately 2 years after her feminization laryngoplasty.