Hemorrhagic vocal cord polyp at varying pitches

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Low pitch with medial margin very visible during eversion, medium vocal pitch, Hemorrhagic vocal cord polyp on left vocal cord margin at high pitch with callus on right visible

Gospel singer with progressive vocal impairment during singing and a deeper voice for several months.


On her stroboscopy at low pitch during the opening phase, the hemorrhage is very visible on the right.

Low pitch with medial margin very visible during eversion

 As the vocal cords are stretched in her midrange, the left hemorrhagic polyp stands out further from the margin and further impairs her voice.

medium vocal pitch

At her highest pitches, during the most open phase, there is still a swelling visible on the right vocal cord. This would be considered a nodule or a vocal callus. It is not visible on the above pictures at lower pitches because it settles into the softness of the middle of the vocal cord. At the high pitches, it is under tension and is forced to stand out from the vocal margin. It is also on the lower vibratory lip and so will be invisible in some photos when the upper vibratory lip is closed over it.

Hemorrhagic vocal cord polyp on left vocal cord margin at high pitch with callus on right visible