Granulomas of the vocal cord

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Vocal cord granuloma, Vocal cord granuloma, Vocal cord granuloma, Vocal cord granuloma, Vocal cord granulomas, Vocal cord granulomas, Vocal cord granulomas, Vocal cord granulomas, Vocal cord granulomas, Vocal cord granulomas, Vocal cord granulomas

These vocal cord granulomas have been removed several times and have also fallen off several times and they tend to reform.


In his first view, he had had a granuloma remove six months earlier and then his voice became hoarse again.

Vocal cord granulomaVocal cord granuloma

 One month later it had enlarged.

Vocal cord granuloma

Triamcinolone, a steroid was injected into this large granuloma in the office.

One month later, the large granuloma has disappeared, perhaps falling off. He did not recall coughing it out.

Vocal cord granuloma

 One year later

Vocal cord granulomas

 four months later

Vocal cord granulomasVocal cord granulomasVocal cord granulomas

one year later

Vocal cord granulomasVocal cord granulomas

 this time he had surgery to excise the granuloma.

Vocal cord granulomas

 my suspicion is that the underlying problem is bowed vocal cords that allow the vocal processes to traumatically collide with one another.