Flexible videoscope exam

Normal young female vocal cords

normal young female vocal cords

Normal larynx - 25 year old male

A normal larynx in the same 25 year old, male singer during abduction (breathing in). In this overview the epiglottis is seen and they come in many shapes. This configuration is often called omega shaped.

Normal larynx - 25 year old male

  A normal larynx in a 25 year old, male singer during adduction (phonating). This photo was taken during stroboscopy at a low pitch - the vocal cords are shortened - and during the open phase of a stroboscopic exam.  

Normal Larynx - 25 year old female

A normal larynx in a 25 year old, female singer during abduction (breathing in).  

normal larynx - 60 year old male

A nearly normal larynx in a 60 year old, male singer during abduction (breathing in).