The 136th Annual Meeting of the American Laryngological Association
The One Hundred Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Laryngological Association will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Chicago in Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday, May 19th, 2016 as part of the Combined Otolaryngological Spring Meetings (COSM). The meeting planning team of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the Secretaries Liaison Committee worked diligently to select this extraordinary venue for our meeting and associated events. The ALA program, planned by Peak Woo, M.D., our President, and his committee (Kenneth Altman, MD, PhD, Program Chairperson) will feature a variety of scientific papers from our national and international colleagues, panel discussions, along with the State of the Art Lecture and the Daniel C. Baker, MD Lecture. Dr. Woo, along with his program committee, plans for the meeting to introduce lectures and discussions to enhance our specialty for all attendees.