can a disorder which doctor often say remain for ever disapear?

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can a disorder which doctor often say remain for ever disapear?
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hi doctor.i have posted one other question but you did not answer me.your answers are so important for i explained simply to not make you tired.9 months ago a doctor said i have arytenoid dislocation. After 6 months a voice therapist said i have nodules & by watching it again i saw a mass on my left vocal cord.2 days ago i was visited by a lecturer(a real professor in iran) & he said there is no mass on your vocal cord & its disapeared & not any arytenoid...but a congenital sulcus answer is this:may this sulcus disapear & how its possibility increases?please answer.There s not any other place to get my answer.thank

James P Thomas MD
James P Thomas MD's picture

Dear inquirer,

I am not aware of a sulcus vocalis disappearing on its own. However, you have had several diagnoses and the most important treatment of any problem depends on having the correct diagnosis. It is unlikely that you have three simultaneous problems. Ultimately, the individual makes a correct diagnosis in you should also offer you an appropriate treatment and appropriate understanding of how that problem interferes with your voice and what can be done to improve it.