several problems(probably chronic & aged nodules & Arytenoid dislocation & Changing the shape of vocal cord(one side))

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several problems(probably chronic & aged nodules & Arytenoid dislocation & Changing the shape of vocal cord(one side))
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Hi Doctor.Approximately 2.5 (september of 2011)years ago I felt injury in my singing voice but i continued singing in high level like the days without injuries.In those days i did not explore the reason of my hoarsness & the reason of decrease of my highest pitch so because of nervous i was singing with more pressure & without any quality until 9 months ago.i stopped singing & speaking more & loudly although i could not so.5 months ago i went to doctor & he saw my larynx & i saw my left arytenoid dislocated.he said to me do not speak & sing loudly(voice rest) so you would be fine.After 4 Months when i saw my speaking had nt become better i got worry & i went to voice therapist in order of one other doctor.With strobovideolaryngoscopy i found 2 PAIRS OF NODULES(one pair in the middle part of vocal cord & other in the lower part),LEFT ARYTENOID DISLOCATION,CHANGING THE SHAPE OF MY RIGHT VOCAL CORD and a little REDNESS in upper part of my left vocal cord.I forgot to say in 5 months ago i also have had reflux of HCL acid.I am now adviced to not speak & sing(voice rest).I know my nodules will be disapeared by this way but what will happened to me arytenoid?i avoid singing voice is unusual & uncommon i am so worry to lost even a part of it height.All of my worry is my arytenoid which i think its dated.please give me a way doctor to be healthy complete

James P Thomas MD
James P Thomas MD's picture

I have never seen an arytenoid dislocation. I do not believe the disorder even exists. An out-of-normal-position arytenoid far more likely represents a nerve injury, if it is even out of position. "Redness" is just an artifact of the type of endoscope being used. So, it is very hard to know what you have from your description. In the end you need to have an accurate diagnosis about what is causing the change in your voice before you can decide how to treat it. If the treatment your present physician is prescribing is not working, consider obtaining a second opinion.